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Healthy Bonds

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My name is Jessica Thanghe. In the winter of 2021 I was tasked with the challenge of making the world a better place and of course my mind went to my friends and classmates who were struggling with an extremely dangerous and parasitic problem; teen dating violence.

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Professional Review Night:

Megan Marcy

Allison Weishaar

As educators, both of my professional reviewers gave crucial insight into what they need as teachers to help kids learn.

General Contributors

Todd Hunter

Mr. Hunter, though not particularly directly helpful, supported my efforts in creating this project. He always expressed his support and willingness to help.

Sebastian Whitcomb

Sebastian was very helpful as a peer reviewer along with being my own point of view into teen relationships. Sebastian was incredibly supportive throughout the project and was incredibly invested in the future of my project.

Ella Beck

Alexi Johnson

Ella and Alexi were also incredibly valuable peer reviewers who had their own unique insight on the topic.

John Palm

Mr. Palm was always curious on the progression of the project and always advertised his willingness to help with anything he could. Mr. Palm also encouraged us to learn more about out topics outside of class and outside of our original scopes.

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